Hearts for the Harvest – Hearts for Souls


Each of us has a gift to share, not only by words, but by action - Our Faith.  Bringing examples/samples of this gift, Faith - into our CCW’s and all around us, is a great tool to be able to share.  It only takes a Spark to get a Fire Going … that’s how it is with God’s work… one flame at a time...

Something to think about:  This was found on my devotional calendar for 9/8/23 from: Heartland Samplers:

Pray for a good harvest but keep on hoeing.

‘The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.  For we are God’s fellow workers.

1 Corinthians 3: 8-9 NIV

 We need to get workers in the fields to share their harvest hearts and talents to others by prayer and action.  We have been given this gift of ‘Hearts for the Harvest – Hearts for Souls’ by our Lord.  Let us go into those fields and use the tools our Lord has given us to reach those in the fields for the Good News … Our Creator.

We might only need to be a watering can, a bit of sunshine (smile) or just a vine that stretches out its arms to those in need … but WE all can do something.  God will make the fields bloom when His Harvest is ready.